Discover how the City Park was transformed from an 18th-century sightseeing area to a 19th-century entertainment centre!

1810 - City Park: from Budapest's Sightseeing Area to Entertainment Centre

More and more people started to visit the City Park from the end of the 18th century, and the area, which was becoming popular, was developed into a leisure and entertainment centre at the suggestion of János Boráros, the judge.

By the beginning of the next century, stuntmen had already set up in the trees of the Liget. In the 1800s, the City Park was an increasingly popular place for a wide range of people to relax and walk, so it was no coincidence that the revelry included eating and drinking.
Hospitality began in 1810 with Leopold Grossinger's wineserving rights, and the tenants came, first Klemensz - whose name has now been forgotten. Then came Wampetics and Gundel, and from here the success story of Hungarian hospitality in the City Park began.